Saturday, 21 June 2008

Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada

Another wonderful day in Glacier Park, this time on the Canadian side, Waterton Lakes National Park. We enjoyed a boat ride on Upper Waterton Lake to Goat Haunt which is a ranger station, actually back in the USA. The lake at this point is surrounded by high peaks coated with snow and only one glacier (defined as a moving body of ice and snow). When we crossed the border back into the US we noted a swath of land that is cleared about once a decade to mark the 49th parallel, a treaty actually requires this defined line. Waterton was the first International Peace Park and it must work, we haven’t had a war with Canada in almost two hundred years.

On a drive up to Cameron Lake we had two bear sightings, our closest encounter. We also saw several pair of days old fawns near our campsite which is on the edge of the town.

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