Monday, 16 June 2008

Havre, MT

For two days we drove west along Montana Highway 2. The color palette was limited but not dull. Beside us were the many greens of the grassland alternating with the buff and beige of the earth. Above Montana’s Big Sky was blue with white fluffy highlights.

For two miles of the road, we drove along a dirt washboard in pouring rain. Our car and RV turned mud colored.

We won’t complain about road construction when we get home. Havre, MT on Hwy 2 has had its main street, the highway, and side streets completely dug up for over a year. The continuing rain storms promised that the mess will continue. The only thing to do was head underground which we did taking the Underground Tour of Havre. The city burned to the ground in 1909. Wanting to continue to do business, the locals decided that their only alternative, until the city was rebuilt, was to go below the streets and conduct business. Some of these businesses continued open until the 70s. Today it is a unique museum with antiques, some of which we remembered. When you go underground, you can see everything from a butcher shop to a brothel. The ladies of the night did not have names by the way, you were assigned to number —

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